
l' art à la philosophie

L'art à la philosophie takes new paths to enrich art with philosophy within an artistic framework. Art by art | FABRY is intended to undergo an expansion that can inspire viewers to new contemplations and perspectives. Embark on a journey to uncharted territories. Dive into the profound thoughts of great thinkers from the past 2,500 years alongside the artist. Experience the fascination of groundbreaking philosophical ideas and insights in a refreshing combination with contemporary abstract art. We are excited to take this exciting journey with you.

art | FABRY contemporary

art |FABRY contemporary employs a visual language comprising form, color, and line to transform compositions from abstract concepts into entities that can exist somewhat independently of real-world visual references. Western art, from the Renaissance until the mid-19th century, was heavily influenced by the principles of perspective, striving to recreate the illusion of tangible reality. In the early 21st century, a prevailing notion is that art embraces pluralism. There's no obligation for a singular representative style, and an open-minded, anything-goes approach prevails in the art world.